This year World Environment Day finds us amidst a crisis generated by the strain that humans have put on the planet.  The pandemic has shown us the fragile state of the world and the social and economic dependency we have on our natural resources. It has also demonstrated that as we encroach in the final frontiers of wildlife, our interaction with biodiversity has unknown consequences.

It is, however, nature that will lift us back out of the pandemic, through medicines/vaccines derived from natural compounds.  It will also lift us from the economic recession through implementation of nature-based solutions and identifying opportunities in which we can engage people in nature.   The pandemic has shown us the need to rethink local production and consumption, as well as the need to build social and economic resilience.   Today it is the pandemic, tomorrow it will be the climate crisis, and we need to be prepared.

At Planet 4 People (P4P) we have taken this time to re-think our future and feel that our mission and vision hold true, now more than ever.   We continue to look for opportunities to support organizations and businesses seeking a sustainable future.  We have spent the last year building our team in different regions and redefining our areas of work to achieve this purpose.

P4P remains committed to sustainable tourism, but we are convinced that tourism cannot live in a bubble and that both private and public sector need to take into consideration a wider spectrum of action, building primarily on the Sustainable Development Goals.   We are making sure  that we are not only climate friendly,  but that we raise the climate issue throughout our work.   We believe in the emerging 4th Sector and our experts will work with organizations to strive to strengthen and grow this sector.   We remain committed to the well-being of the regions we have worked with and remain committed to building more economic, social and environmental resilient communities and destinations.

We are proud to launch today our new website and look forward to reengaging with all of you in this recovery process.