"When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it is attached to the rest of the World."

John Muir

Category - Biodiversity

World Environment Day

This year World Environment Day finds us amidst a crisis generated by the strain that humans have put on the planet.  The pandemic has shown us the fragile state of the world and the social and economic dependency we have on our natural resources. At P4P we remain committed to work on nature-based solutions to ensure social, economic and environmental resilience, while ensuring conservation and sustainable management of biodiversity.

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Cape Horn – a frontier destination

As part of the IFI project of the Government of Chile, for the development of the Cape Horn destination, Planet 4 People participated in the Congress  “Responsible Tourism for Emerging Destinations”, in Puerto Williams, Cape Horn, Chile. 

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Funding of Protected Areas

Resources for environmental conservation are scarce. With an increasing number of parks and competing with human welfare issues, it is difficult to raise the funds for the National Parks. Governments are overcommitted in their budgets making National Parks usually a low funding priority. While International giving is growing, biodiversity does not rank high in the giving priorities. Parks need a comprehensive funding approach, that combines income generation activities with traditional fundraising strategies.

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Emblematic Tourism Projects of the Mundo Maya

In June 2018,  Fabian Roman, VP for South America, visited the emblematic community tourism projects of the Mundo Maya Organization, as part of the project undertaken by Planet 4 People. Work was done with indigenous communities of the Mayan World in Guatemala, Mexico, and Honduras.

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The 4 axes of development

In a changing and globalized world, the search for economic alternatives is imperative for development and even for the survival of the people and their culture, in a healthy environment. In his book “Alternative Community Development in the Maya Forest ” Julio Moure reflects on work done in the Biosphere Reserve of Sian Ka’an and the biological corridor Sian Ka’an – Calakmul. He tackles the challenge of how to combine scientific knowledge and indigenous environmental knowledge, in a scheme that respects the natural ecosystems and meets basic human needs.

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Sustainable Bee Keeping in Quintana Roo

Dr. Francisco J. Rosado May introduces the work of the Center for Sustainable Beekeeping of the Intercultural Mayan University of Quintana Roo in Mexico. Studies have shown a downward trend of bees and pollination worldwide due to climate change iand other factors. Beekeeping is an important source of income for the Mayan communities. The UIMQRoo aims to be at the forefront of this issue, from the scientific perspective and its practical application to benefit Mayan communities.

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Sustaining our coastal resources: ecosystem valuation

Demonstrating the economic value of natural resources will enable policy makers to promote their sustainable use and conservation. Current economic development trends are rapidly diminishing and polluting our natural resources, and current management practices often fall short of implementing appropriate measures to guarantee these resources will keep providing the services we all rely on.

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Bogotá – Rio + 20

#Planet4People was present at the High Level Dialogue Conference on Sustainable Cities, Transport and Tourism and the Global Forum on Human Settlements which took place in Bogotá, Colombia from the 10th to12th of August, 2014. My colleague Amos Bien and I had the pleasure to present at the session “Local development and sustainable tourism, policies, actions and best practices”.

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“Raise your voice not the sea level”

“Raise your Voice not the Sea Level” is a brilliant social media approach. With people spending more tan 3 hours a day on social networking, imagine the impact it would have to use those platforms for good. In 2013 in the days between June 1 and 10 over 200,000 blogs were created, 26 articles published, and on June 5th WED had 47.6 million impressions on Twitter. Organizations are using these platforms to promote their cause and in the United States studies have demonstrated a 40% increase in donations to good causes promoted through social media.

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Welcome to Planet4People

Planet4People is born out of the concern of like minded people to do something to address the many unmet needs that lead to achieving the Millennium Development Goals and Beyond 2015.  Together we bring experience, expertise and passion to support the efforts to achieve these goals.

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