“Raise your voice not the sea level”

“Raise your Voice not the Sea Level” is a brilliant social media approach. With people spending more tan 3 hours a day on social networking, imagine the impact it would have to use those platforms for good. In 2013 in the days between June 1 and 10 over 200,000 blogs were created, 26 articles published, and on June 5th WED had 47.6 million impressions on Twitter. Organizations are using these platforms to promote their cause and in the United States studies have demonstrated a 40% increase in donations to good causes promoted through social media.

Welcome to Planet4People

Planet4People is born out of the concern of like minded people to do something to address the many unmet needs that lead to achieving the Millennium Development Goals and Beyond 2015.  Together we bring experience, expertise and passion to support the efforts to achieve these goals.